Who are we?
ICIE Chronicles is initiated by the Language Department team of IÉSEG. The goal of this page is to allow language teachers and other disciplines to share their knowledge about culture and diversity in pedagogical practices and in themes that aim to discover and research multicultural differences in all areas of specialty.
If you are interested in publishing a chronicle, please contact Carmen CAMPILLO – c.campillo@ieseg.fr.
Qui sommes-nous ?
ICIE Chronicles est à l’initiative de l’équipe du Département Langues de l’IÉSEG. L’objectif de cette page est de permettre aux enseignants en langues, mais aussi aux autres disciplines, de partager leur savoir au sujet de la culture et la diversité dans les pratiques pédagogiques et dans des thèmes qui visent à la découverte et la recherche des différences multiculturelles dans tous les domaines de spécialité.
Si vous êtes intéressé pour publier une chronique, merci de contacter Carmen CAMPILLO – c.campillo@ieseg.fr.
List of the ICIE Chronicles
- “Digital examinations: mitigating the risk of students getting outside help while taking an online exam”
Written in English by Matteo Iannizzotto, Senior Software Engineer @ Murex and Adjunct teacher in Digital innovation, Microsoft Excel and Algorithmic thinking & programming structures @ IESEG - “El estigma del andaluz y de sus tópicos”
Written in Spanish by Ph.D. Natalia Plaza Morales, Senior Spanish Teacher at IÉSEG - “Podcasts d’entretiens animés par des étudiants en FLE : Mise en oeuvre de l’approche (inter)actionnelle”
Written in French by Laure AYOSSO, Senior Teaching Fellow, Course Coordinator at IÉSEG - “Experiencia intercultural en el aula a través del proyecto del día de muertos”
Written in Spanish by Isabel CELADA MORENO, Spanish Teaching Fellow at IÉSEG - “Aplicación práctica del Juego de rol a través de la película”
Written in Spanish by Nieves DELGADO, Spanish Teaching Fellow at IÉSEG - “The development of linguistic multiculturality within hispanic regional festivals“
Written in English by CAMPILLO Philippe, Associate Professor with Habilitation to Supervise Research, ULR 7369 – URePSSS – Unité de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire Sport Santé Société, F-59000 Lille, France, and GRENU Henrik, Certified teacher, UFR of Health and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, and CAMPILLO Carmen, Senior Teaching Fellow in Spanish, HoD languages IÉSEG School of Management. - “How has English managed to spread around the globe and to what extent can it be considered a form of linguistic imperialism?”
Written in English by Edward FARRINGTON, Senior Lecturer + Coordinator of Rhetoric & Debate at IÉSEG - “Benefits of using randomised selection tools to enhance student engagement in the classroom”
Written in English by Rhea LANGRIDGE, Senior Teaching Fellow in English at IÉSEG - “Film adaptation as a device for the understanding of literary reading and the practice of the oral language”
Written in Spanish by Carmen CAMPILLO, Teaching Fellow at IÉSEG - “Peer-to-peer language mentoring, paths to interculturality”
Written in French by Nieves DELGADO, Spanish Teaching Fellow at IÉSEG, and Claire PHILIPPE, French Teaching Fellow at IÉSEG - “WESH : un terme politique et historique”
Written in French by Angela CAMPILLO MATIAS, graduate in Applied French Language at the Complutense University of Madrid, French coach at IÉSEG and Julie BEGHELLI, FLE teacher and head of ISIT’s FLE Academy.
- “Digital examinations: mitigating the risk of students getting outside help while taking an online exam”