IACCM 2019 Conference
Are you interested in organising and chairing a panel at the next IACCM2019 conference? The call for panel proposals is now open. Please send us an outline of your idea for a panel by the 31stJanuary 2019.
IÉSEG’s centre of excellence in intercultural
Are you interested in organising and chairing a panel at the next IACCM2019 conference? The call for panel proposals is now open. Please send us an outline of your idea for a panel by the 31stJanuary 2019.
Dr. Joel A. Brown is the Chief Visionary Officer of Pneumos LLC, a management consulting and coaching company based in San Francisco, USA, specializing in cultural intelligence, leadership, and organizational strategy. As a change agent, Joel works strategically with organizational
On Thursday 18th October, ICIE officially celebrated its first anniversary with an informal evening at the Kl’Hub on the Paris campus. This was the occasion to take stock of the activities of the past year and also to thank SIETAR
We are proud to announce that IESEG has been awarded the Trophy for Pedagogical Innovation by the magazine l’Etudiant. The prize was awarded for the project “From international to intercultural: promoting cultural intelligence throughout IESEG” and is part of the
ICIE members Katarina Zeugner-Roth and Fabian Bartsch have certainly been keeping busy since the end of the second semester. In May, they both attended the AMA Global SIG Conference in Santorini, Greece on the topic of “Global Marketing in Times
ICIE was present at the SIETAR Japan World Congress in Tokyo from August 7th-11th. There were some 300 participants from around the globe and a myriad of presentations, workshops and keynotes. The theme of the congress was “Facing Uncertain Times
Rountable participants : Grant Douglas, Lecturer Intercultural Communication, IESEG/ICIE Corinne Laberty, Human Resource Director, Thales Brigitte Nisio, General Director, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Jacques Rivoal, FC2A (ex Managing Director of Volkswagen France) Thomas Stoltz, Director Business Productivity Domain Microsoft Services Aline Scholz,
Based on an interview with Katharina P. Zeugner-Roth on her paper “Disentangling country-of-origin effects: the interplay of product ethnicity, national identity, and consumer ethnocentrism,” coauthored with Peter M. Fischer (Marketing Letters, 2017). New research by Katharina P. Zeugner-Roth looks at how product