Member Focus – by Carmen Campillo


For our September member focus we’re pleased to introduce our colleague Carmen Campillo.

  • How/when did you become interested in the subject of intercultural communication/management/engagementCarmen CAMPILLO

With the school’s multicultural projects, I realized that the integration of international students was very important for the school and for the French students

With the management of the LV2 sector, the understanding of cultural differences became essential as well.

  • In what ways do intercultural engagement impact you at a professional and a personal level?

Relationships with colleagues and students from different cultures and languages requires understanding and taking into account cultural differences, which has impacted my patience and acceptance. Today I try to think and take a step back before acting, which I did not always do in the past.

  • What incited you to become a member of ICIE and what do you hope to get out of being part of the center and what do you hope to be able to contribute?

I thought that the center would be an opportunity to work with colleagues in different fields, in order to better understand how to react and work for everyone. I would have thought of another perspective in areas related to culture in the general sense of the term and not always directing meetings, forums, projects and conferences in marketing, intercultural management. Work in pure cultural fields that would bring to all, leaving aside the professional perspective. Projects such as multicultural projects would help members to integrate, understand and work with other colleagues.

  • Do you have any particular ICIE projects that you are currently involved in or projects that you would like to set up?

Include the multicultural projects of the school so that each year can analyze and study the results, the feedback of the students, their participation etc in order to be able to draw conclusions

  • What has been your most significant intercultural experience to date?

Throughout the year I have the opportunity to work in small conflicts within the same culture which is very rewarding. Each situation remains an opportunity to understand the culture in question.



Member Focus – by Carmen Campillo