ICIE at Conferences in Greece and Japan

ICIE members Katarina Zeugner-Roth and Fabian Bartsch have certainly been keeping busy since the end of the second semester. In May, they both attended the AMA Global SIG Conference in Santorini, Greece on the topic of “Global Marketing in Times of Uncertainty”. The American Marketing Association, in conjunction with the University of Leeds, decided to award them with the best overall conference paper for their joint-project entitled “Consumer Authenticity Seeking”. Congratulations to both of them.

Katarina and Fabian

From July 26th-29th Katarina and Fabian attended the GAMMA (Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations) conference in Tokyo, Japan on the theme of “Bridging Asia and the World: Searching for Academic Excellence and Best Practice in Marketing and Management” where they presented a paper on “The role of COO in Advertising”. Fabian also presented a paper entitled “Marketplace Globalization and Shifting Brand Perceptions: The Role of Perceived Brand Globalness and Cultural Symbolism” together with Timo Mandler and C. Min Han.

ICIE at Conferences in Greece and Japan