Jacob Vakkayil is attached to the Human Resource Track at IÉSEG. He is originally from India where he was teaching at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta before joining IÉSEG.

Jacob teaches topics centered around the management of individuals and groups in organizations.  He has worked with various organizations on issues associated with leadership development, collaboration facilitation, and change management. He is the Academic Director of the International MBA program at IÉSEG and is a keen observer of the dynamics of global business education.   His research explores inconsistencies and contradictions that arise in hybrid situations. He is particularly interested in examining multiplicities which lead to complex interactions among individuals and organizations. For this, he focuses on differences arising from cultural orientations, social organization, and economic systems in particular settings where such hybridity exist. His recent work has been published in Management Learning, European Management Journal, Journal of Management Development and Journal of Management Inquiry.

Department of People, Organizations and Negotiation