IÉSEG Signs the Diversity Charter
IÉSEG recently signed up to the Diversity Charter, which is a written commitment that can be signed by any company, regardless of its size, that wishes to ban discrimination in the workplace and makes a decision to work towards creating diversity.
Becoming a signatory of the Charter (the leading diversity initiative among France’s public and private enterprises) signifies IÉSEG’s engagement towards cultural, ethnic and social diversity that reflects its 2025 Vision of “Empowering Changemakers for a Better Society”.
IÉSEG Corporate Summer Workshop
In June 2017, the School welcomed over 200 participants at the second edition of the Corporate Summer Workshop centered on the theme Changemakers for a better society in Paris. This was an opportunity for participants to meet and exchange with numerous professionals, such as Thomas Bouret, General Director of Leroy Merlin France, and Michel De Rovira, Co-founder of Michel et Augustin.
ICIE participated actively in this event, notably with Grant Douglas, lecturer in Intercultural Communication, hosting a round table on the subject of “Diversity in Companies, A strength or a Weakness ?” with representatives from Sodexo, Sanofi and Société Générale.
Executive Education
ICIE members can design programs for corporate training around the following issues:
Dealing daily with diversity:
The program introduces companies to the notion of diversity to help them better recognize and respect their own culture and the culture of others inside and outside the organization. The aim is to reach a level where managers can consciously start to reconcile cultural differences and root these reconciliations in the way they communicate, work and cope with other cultures.
Intercultural competences for expatriates:
Intercultural competences form an integral part of the repertoire of skills necessary for effective expatriate assignments. ICIE can offer customized inputs that can contribute to the success of current or future expatriates.
Developing skills towards interculturally competent marketing organizations:
ICIE offers the concepts, tools and best practices in order to help companies develop intercultural competences that are vital in today’s globalized markets.
The value of corporate culture:
ICIE provides insights about how corporate culture determines the financial success of companies and what dimensions of corporate culture are at play towards the achievement of their financial objectives. The aim is to develop a corporate culture that help companies better integrate employees at work by sharing a common culture.